Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Green means 'GO.'

Since I was in the fifth grade, people have been turning my plain little name into all sorts of roadway jokes. "Hey there, Street." The one that gave me a complex about my weight was, "six-Layne-highway." In Tijuana, the name even got confused with sidewalk.

Instead of pouting about it - I've adopted the nick-names and I've even used them in practical everyday situations. "Hi, my name's Layne - like the road." That particular instance is useful when dealing with those who are hard of hearing in that one, I generally use hand motions when describing 'the road' and two, it helps to cut back on the Layne/Elaine confusion.

At any rate, I've stolen the jester's thunder again with the title of my blog. A fun little play on words, I suppose. I love to write and need an outlet for daily exercise (writing exercise - not the physical hullabuloo). Hence Layne Street.

I find that writing pulls you back in every once and a while. It keeps you tapped in to your own thoughts so that when asked what you think, you might have something to say.

So. Rubber, meet Road.

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