Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving, Sugar!

Apparently, I've resorted to one big electronic greeting card on special days versus blogging on a regular basis. I blame work. Why? I gotta blame someone and I'm ducking out of the way - but thanks for the day off, Work.

Here's hoping you've got something going today that puts a smile on your face or someone elses.

It's a smaller Thanksgiving celebration with my parents and McWHYBAML for the first half and then a bigger celebration with McWHYBAML's family. This is going to be a great holiday.

And no. I will not be participating in black Friday madness. Think grocery shopping on speed - then think of how I feel about grocery shopping. Deals schmeals. I'm decorating tomorrow!

Big hugs and high fives - the holidays are here.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hand In Hand

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Good Problem to Have

Too many good thoughts. Too much good to share.

Speaking of sharing - thank you local coffee shop for sharing your wireless internet and your wonderful music selection. Whilst mass friend requesting last night at said coffee shop - McWHYBAML whipped out his iPhone application to figure out what it was that we were listening to. Yes. There is an application for that.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fairy Tail

The dream continues. I'm just enjoying the pants off this trip.

The Producer and the Wu went on a walk with me this morning (we have done this each day since our arrival). Today we stopped off to visit the ponies that are only a few minutes away. As I was nuzzling the little gipper (I have fondly nicknamed him Willow) I thought to myself and then outloud to the girls, "This is such a dream. Like a fairy tale...complete with ponies."


Monday, November 2, 2009

Oh What A Beautiful Day...I've Got a Beautiful Feeling.

I am currently writing this from the floor of the studio here in the most beautiful place that I have ever witnessed fall colors. I am here with the Wu and the Producer...and the other producer - we'll call him the Saturated Fat Nazi.

Before I left for my trip, I received a couple care packages. One was from my sweet parents.

It was complete with a new Kitchen Spices candle from Bath and Body Works and some lotion. Also included was the Excedrin that will cure the inevitable headache, the country special edition of People magazine and a card that said 'may all your dreams come true.' I love you Mom and Dad. You've never been anything but enthusiastic and supportive when it comes to my ideas and hopes.

The second care package came from McWhereHaveYouBeenAllMyLife (his nickname continues to be completely fitting and increasingly more obvious). He sent me away with a Moleskine city guide for my destination - I stare at these every time I'm in Barnes and Noble. He also compiled music for each day that I will be gone on a CD. Each CD was perfectly enveloped in meticulously color coordinated wraps. Inside each envelope are letters. So far, these letters have forced me to just pause and think...oh my. I've got something here.

Will keep you posted. Here we go again!