Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mile Post 50

Post number 50! In honor of my 50th post...I share with you the most significant addition to my life in the last week... new duvet.

I move into my very own apartment tomorrow or the next day. I have high hopes for the new adventure. A new place is a new start - you have a brand new environment to cultivate new habits and nail old ones to the wall.

Like cooking. I need a place where I can learn to cook. A place where no one can hear me swear when I burn things.

Maybe becoming a morning person, still pretty bent on making that a part of my personality.

I will let you know how it's panning (get it - panning, cooking...pans?) out.


Jamiedidit said...

Panning.....nicely done.

Congratulations!!!!! 50 posts! And I have enjoyed every little one, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on post number 50! :)