Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Parking Spot Crunch

I live a few blocks away from where the legislators meet to do their business this time of year. If I would have known they were going to steal all the parking spots from around my building, I wouldn't have given any of them my vote.

The people have spoken.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pot Roast Update: What a Crock!

I'm proud to say that my pot roast has been in the crock pot since 12:30 this afternoon. I don't know when it is going to be edible. But. It smells good...at least better than it did when the smoke detector went off during the meat searing process. I think that thing is too sensitive - there wasn't that much smoke.

I can see why people make this kind of a meal on weekdays while they are gone. You can't just stay home while those smells are wafting about your home. So I went shopping.

While I was shopping, I ran into a local celebrity. He's my favorite weatherman and it was almost unreal to see him in person. The shock comes not from simply being in his presence but from realizing that the man is a certifiable giant. Huge. He's huge. AND! Heat must rise because he was wearing shorts. It's not like he didn't know it was going to be freezing cold today. That or they just don't make pants that long. Poor guy.

I should have invited him over for some pot roast. It will be done in another two and a half hours I think.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Julie and Julia...and me.

This weekend I am going to make a pot roast.

I bought a frozen pizza in case it doesn't go well.

I'm looking forward to the day when I don't have to buy a frozen pizza as a back up meal.

(P.S. I'm writing this from my mom's laptop. She has requested that I mention that the reason I haven't learned to cook is because I was unwilling to listen - not because she was unwilling to teach.)

(P.P.S. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mom.)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Martin Luther King Day is in January?

Is there any better way to be memorialized than having a national holiday declared in your honor?


There isn't.

In a few weeks from tomorrow, I'm going to remember our friend Martin Luther King Jr. fondly...for all that stuff he did to warrant shutting down all banks, courts, the postal service, etc. High five, MJK Jr. The holidays would totally be over if it weren't for you.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Turn Me On

Oh, Today - you afforded me a lot of laughs.

Whilst on a record hunting date (McWHYBAML bought me the coolest vintage record player for Christmas), I spotted an album cover that caught my eye. There were at least one hundred guys and girls conservatively dressed and posed at the front of a church sanctuary. A giant cross hung in the background.

Those conservatively dressed songbirds were a part of a church choir and the album was a recording of about ten praise hymns. I definitely would have passed this record by (I know - in a handbasket) were it not for the title: "Turn Me On."

To say it took me by surprise would be an understatement. I giggled and showed it to McWHYBAML who also laughed.We thought this was certainly the work of a disgruntled album cover designer. Surely no church group would consent to such a sexy title.

How much does curiosity cost? A nickel. The title track from "Turn Me On" is just a step up from the classic "This Little Light of Mine." I should have known! Still worth all five pennies I paid for it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year, Sugar!

We did it. We finally made it to 2010. For those of us that thought the world would end in 2000 - it still seems pretty shocking that we've made it this far.

How much did I adore 2009? Quite a bit. I can do nothing but look back at it and be very, very grateful. Life seemed to gain a different kind of traction this year. Momentum.

If 2010 continues to go the way it started, I'm a lucky girl. Not only did I get to spend it with great friends and a brilliant, funny and handsome man - but I had the privilege of performing with him our very first duet. It went a little something like this...

...except our rendition had quite a bit more soul.


We're a lucky bunch - those of us with air in our lungs. 2010 is here and I have a feeling it's going to afford all of us a lot of opportunity and excitement!